Gorilla | Chimpanzee |
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Wins 81.90% of 1k fights | Wins 18.10% of 1k fights |
In this week's Fantasy Brawl, we are graced with the presence of two of the baddest apes on the planet: the Silverback Gorilla and the Chimpanzee. Both are strong, intelligent, and live in complex social structures. But what will happen if the two meet face-to-face, one-on-one, in the dense jungle? Let's find out together. First, we'll analyze their size.
Chimpanzees tip the scale at around 150 pounds max and can stand at 3 to 4 feet in height. This makes them a formidable foe for a human, but how does this size stack up against a Gorilla? The answer is... not so well. A gorilla is around 3 to 5 times bigger than a Chimpanzee.
Here is pixel art image depicting the difference in size between the two animals.
Chimp vs Gorilla size
A full-grown Silverback Gorilla with maxed-out stats can stand up to 6 feet tall and weigh nearly 500 pounds. This gives the edge in size to the gorilla. But bigger does not always equate to stronger, so let's analyze each animal's muscle mass and feats of strength to determine who's packing more power.
As you may have guessed, your average gorilla is much stronger than a Chimpanzee. In comparison to humans, Chimpanzees are roughly 1.5 to 2 times stronger than the average guy at your local gym. But a gorilla is anywhere between 4 to 9 times as strong as the average man.
Their immense difference in power level is directly tied to their weight. In fact, pound for pound, Chimpanzees are stronger than Gorillas. Chimps have better muscle density and more fast-twitch muscle fibers, which allow for explosive strength relative to their size.
Gorillas are super strong, but their muscles are just not as efficient as the smaller chimps. So, if these two were the same size, the chimp would win the edge in strength. But, since we are comparing the two animals as they are, the gorilla takes the advantage here. Gorillas have the size and strength lead, but who is smarter between the two apes?
Both animals are much smarter than nearly all other creatures on the planet, but in terms of cognitive abilities, the Chimpanzee reigns supreme. While it's true that gorillas can learn sign language, they are not as adept at using tools or general problem-solving as Chimpanzees are.
So, while the gorilla can claim victory in the brawn category, when it comes to brains, the chimpanzee takes it. We've covered size, strength, and intelligence so far. It's now time to discuss the final determining factor in our matchup... aggression. Let's see which one of these creatures is more likely to attack.
Without a doubt, chimps are much more aggressive than gorillas. Chimps wake up each morning and choose violence, especially when someone is unfortunate enough to venture into their territory. These animals have been observed engaging in all sorts of depravity that was once thought to be exclusive to humans.
Being in a chimp troop is akin to living in a prison gang. Violence can break out often, sometimes without provocation or warning. Gorillas, on the other hand, are mostly peaceful and even when defending themselves, they often try to avoid physical conflict, preferring to beat their chests to scare off intruders.
Chimps can be real psychos, so the advantage in terms of aggression goes to them. With all of their strengths analyzed, let's move into the battle and determine once and for all, who would win: the psychotic chimp or the peaceful silverback?
Before we get into the battle, a question I had was would a chimpanzee and gorilla fight? And the answer is... maybe. Both animals live in neighboring areas, so it's possible their territories could overlap, and given the chimp's aggression, a fight could break out.
In this scenario, a lone male Silverback Gorilla wanders into a chimpanzee's territory after being dethroned. The super-aggressive chimp notices this and immediately launches an attack.
The gorilla stands its ground, chest pounding like thunder as the chimp screeches its war cry, leaping from the trees with all the speed it can muster. The chimp's first move? A full-force strike aimed at the gorilla's face. But the silverback swats it away like a pesky fly, sending the chimp sprawling.
The chimp is quick to recover and tries another approach: darting in and out of the bushes, using its agility to stay out of the gorilla's reach. The silverback, with its superior strength and patience, watches carefully. As the chimp lunges again, the gorilla catches it in midair. With one powerful shove, the chimp is slammed to the ground. The fight is over almost as soon as it began, with the gorilla standing victorious.
In a one-on-one fight, size and strength win the day. The gorilla's overwhelming power proves too much for the chimp's aggression and agility. But remember, this fight could easily go another way if chimps were attacking in a group, or if the conditions were different.
The Gorilla took home the W today, but how does it fare in our other matchups? Apes are some of my favorite animals, so you'll see them featured throughout my site. If you're as big a monkey fan as I am, check out Gorilla vs Bear battle or my personal favorite, Baboon vs Chimpanzee.
Posted by: Matt Irving on 10/06/2024